Course Description


Most people are completely unaware that they have adopted a set of core beliefs that directs their lives, that colors how they see everything and influences the way they respond to the stuff of everyday life.

This hidden network of ideas is alled a worldview. While everyone has one, not everyone knows they have one.

All worldviews are not created equal. In fact, some are just plain irrational. Others might sound good but in the day to day world they fall apart and are unlivable.

We’ve put together a solid, eight session, online course designed to train you in worldview thinking. Most Christians find it difficult to put into words what they believe and why they believe it and many are unaware of what makes the Christian worldview unique but we are going to change that.

You will learn the eight big questions that every worldview needs to answer. And then we will develop a three question filter for evaluating any worldview you might run into. And then, we will talk about how you can develop a strong Christian worldview, a worldview that lasts.

  • “The question is are we aware of our worldview and why we hold those beliefs and does our worldview actually match up with reality?” – Sean McDowell, Ph.D.
  • “ The common impression is that science and faith in God are at war.”- John Lennox, Ph.D.
  • “And really if you look at the scripture, what the scripture offers is a story of the world and it’s a story of the world that is unique.” – John Stonestreet
  • “Any kind of cross worldview communication takes place not on the basis of the equality of all worldviews but rather on the equality of all human beings made in the image of God.” - Paul Copan, Ph.D.
  • “Unless that is buried very deep into the heart in terms of a belief that it’s really really, then it will quickly be replaced by another truth claim.”- Del Tacket, D.Min.

Walk with me through these eight sessions and you’ll deepen your understanding of the Christian worldview and you’ll become more comfortable, more confident, and more effective in discussing the things that really matter with the people you meet everyday.

Impact 360 Institute Instructor

Jonathan Morrow

Jonathan Morrow (D.Min) is a sought after speaker and teacher who has a gift for explaining challenging topics in ways the rest of us can understand. He is the author of several books including Questioning the Bible and Welcome to College and is an adjunct professor of apologetics at Biola University. Jonathan has earned master’s degrees in Philosophy of Religion and Theology as well as a Doctorate in Worldview and Culture from Talbot School of Theology at Biola University. As the Director of Cultural Engagement for Impact 360 Institute and the founder of, Jonathan speaks nationally on worldview, apologetics, and culture and is passionate about seeing a new generation of Christ-followers understand why they believe, what they believe. Follow on Twitter: @Jonathan_Morrow

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Session 1: Why Worldview Matters

  • 2

    Session 2: What is a Worldview?

    • Session 2: What is a Worldview?

    • Session 2 Quiz

  • 3

    Session 3: Worldviews in Conflict

    • Session 3: Worldviews in Conflict

    • Session 3 Quiz

  • 4

    Session 4: Understanding the Christian Worldview

    • Session 4: Understanding the Christian Worldview

    • Session 4 Quiz

  • 5

    Session 5: How To Test a Worldview

    • Session 5: How To Test a Worldview

    • Session 5 Quiz

  • 6

    Session 6: Engaging Everyday Worldviews

    • Session 6: Engaging Everyday Worldviews

    • Session 6 Quiz

  • 7

    Session 7: How to Build a Christian Worldview

    • Session 7: How to Build a Christian Worldview

    • Session 7 Quiz

  • 8

    Session 8: What Good is Christianity?

    • Session 8: What Good is Christianity?

    • Session 8 Quiz

  • 9

    Session 9: Resources for Explore Worldview (Downloads)

    • Explore Worldview with Jonathan Morrow (eBook)

    • Explore Worldview Workbook

    • Explore Worldview (Audio Files Download)

    • Session 1 Audio: Why Worldview Matters

    • Session 2 Audio: What is a Worldview?

    • Session 3 Audio: How To Test a Worldview

    • Session 4 Audio: Understanding the Christian Worldview

    • Session 5 Audio: How To Test a Worldview

    • Session 6 Audio: Engaging Everyday Worldviews

    • Session Audio 7: How to Build a Christian Worldview

    • Session 8 Audio: What Good is Christianity?

Purchasing Options:

  • $75.00

    $75.00Explore: The Complete Series

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