Course Description

Is the Bible at Odds with Science? Actually no...

What does the Bible teach about creation and evolution? It's easy to just gloss over these topics in the name of faith. However, if the creation story is true it is strong enough to withstand all of the tough questions. In our fascinating discussion with Dr. Fuz Rana you will gain a biblical perspective on why your Christian faith and science are not at odds.

Guest Faculty

Fuz Rana

Fazale (Fuz) Rana, the son of a Muslim scientist, serves as the vice president for science apologetics at Reasons To Believe. His research in biochemistry provided him with the initial evidence that life must have been created. A personal challenge daring him to read the Bible led him to the scriptural evidence that the Creator is the God of the Bible.Fuz attended West Virginia State College (WVSC) as a Presidential Scholar. There he earned a BS degree in chemistry with honors. He completed a Ph.D. in chemistry with an emphasis in biochemistry at Ohio University, where he twice won the Donald Clippinger Research Award. His postdoctoral studies took him to the Universities of Virginia and Georgia. Before joining Reasons To Believe, Fuz worked for seven years as a Senior Scientist in product development for Procter & Gamble.Fuz has published numerous articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals including Biochemistry, Applied Spectroscopy, FEBS Letters, Journal of Microbiology Methods, and The Journal of Chemical Education. He has made presentations at twenty international scientific meetings and co-authored a chapter on antimicrobial peptides for Biological and Synthetic Membranes. In addition, he holds one patent.Today Fuz travels widely speaking on science and faith issues at churches, business firms, and universities. He also participates in the weekly webcast, Creation Update, and has made guest appearances on The John Ankerberg Show, Harvest Show, and Newsmakers (hosted by Jerry Rose on The Total Living Network). In addition, Fuz currently lectures for the Master of Science and Religion program in Christian Apologetics at Biola University.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course Preview

    • Course Preview

  • 2

    Course Handout

    • Course Handout

  • 3

    Full Lecture by Fuz Rana

    • Full Lecture by Fuz Rana

  • $50.00

    $50.00Explore the Resurrection

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